Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Principles of Learning


Countries like China, Singapore, and Japan routinely rank number one in both math and science, while America often ranks in the middle or last among industrialized nations. Despite reform efforts, America's antiquated assembly-line style education system continually churns out rudderless adults, ill-prepared workers, and in general people who view education as a formality to 'get ahead'. Quite simply, American education kills the idea of auto-didactic learning in the heads of our youth, ties the hands of instructors who spend 30% of the year teaching towards multiple-guess standardized testing, and relies more on lecture than on a tactile learning approach. High schools in our great country have been transformed largely into Maximum Security Day-Care Centers. 

So what's the solution? Should we adopt the Asian model; the model of rote memorization, longer school days, and a stronger study ethic? Work more, study harder, and live less?  Or is there a different option; perhaps an option of quality over quantity? The answer is yes. Try Finland's model. A model based on no standardized testing, shorter school days, starting school at an older age, starting school at a later hour, making the basics a priority, less homework, cooperation over competition, free nutritious lunch, fostering a more relaxed atmosphere, and providing professional options past a traditional college degree.

As Dr. Ryzhkov states, "What education's really about is encouraging natural curiosity and critical thinking, developing emotional intelligence, and learning how to be a decent human being."


Click here for NASA's take on the Wright Brothers' plane design.

Forces Acting on An Airplane
There are four forces acting on the airplane all the time during airplane is flying.The four forces are
(1) Lift, (2) Gravity force or Weight, (3) Thrust, and (4) Drag.
Lift and Drag are considered aerodynamics forces because they exist due to the movement of the Airplane through the Air.
four forces
Lift: is produced by a lower pressure created on the upper surface of an airplane's wings compared to the pressure on the wing's lower surfaces,causing the wing to be LIFTED upward. The special shape of the airplane wing (airfoil) is designed so that air flowing over it will have to travel a greater distance and faster resulting in a lower pressure area (see illustration) thus lifting the wing upward. Lift is that force which opposes the force of gravity (or weight).
Lift depends upon (1) shape of the airfoil (2) the angle of attack (3) the area of the surface exposed to the airstream (4) the square of the air speed (5) the air density.
lift equation
Weight: The weight acts vertically downward from the center of gravity (CG) of the airplane.
Thrust: is defined as the forward direction pushing or pulling force developed by aircraft engine . This includes reciprocating engines , turbojet engines, turboprop engines.
thrust equation
Drag: is the force which opposes the forward motion of airplane. specifically, drag is a retarding force acting upon a body in motion through a fluid, parallel to the direction of motion of a body. It is the friction of the air as it meets and passes over an airplane and its components. Drag is created by air impact force, skin friction, and displacement of the air.
drag equation
Aircraft Flight Control
An airplane is equipped with certain fixed and movable surfaces or airfoil which provide for stability and control during flight. These are illustrated in the picture.
Flight Control

Each of the named of the airfoil is designed to perform a specific function in the flight of the airplane. The fixed airfoils are the wings, the vertical stabilizer, and the horizontal stabilizer. The movable airfiols called control surfaces, are the ailerons, elevators, rudders and flaps.The ailerons, elevators, and rudders are used to "steer" the airplane in flight to make it go where the pilot wishes it to go. The flaps are normally used only during landings and extends some during takeoff.
Aileron: may be defined as a movable control surface attached to the trailing edge of a wing to control an airplane in the roll, that is , rotation about the longitudinal axis.
Elevator: is defined as a horizontal control surface, usually attached to the trailing edge of horizontal stabilizer of an airplane, designed to apply a pitching movement to the airplane. A pitching movement is a force tending to rotate the airplane about the lateral axis,that is nose up or nose down.
Rudder: is a vertical control surface usually hinged to the tail post aft of the vertical stabilizer and designed to apply yawing movement to the airplane, that is to make it turn to the right or left about the vertical axis.
Wing Flaps: are hinged or sliding surfaces mounted at the trailing edge of wings and designed to increase the camber of the wings. The effect is to increase the lift of the wings.


A wise man once said – “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin

For instance, when teaching the principles of flight, one can give a Powerpoint presentation followed up by a quiz, or students can acquire the knowledge through a hands on approach. 

Bernoulli is credited with coming up with the principles that were later applied to flight. In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy. The principle is named after Daniel Bernoulli who published it in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738. 

In 1901 Gustave Whitehead built a crude plane and performed the first flight, however for various reasons the Wright Brothers were given the recognition for their test flight in 1903.

Here two teams built prototypes based on these pioneers.

Gustave Whitehead's plane design won the competition :)

 Happy flying! 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Just Flat Wrong

Flat Earth vs. Round Globe

We have been systematically lied to on a daily basis and told that we are living on a ball spinning at over 1,000 miles an hour, in an orbit around the sun traveling 67,000 miles an hour. Yet we feel none of this supposed movement. Do you feel like your moving 1,000 miles an hour? No, of course not. And all we are shown of this 'round' world are pictures that have been heavily photoshopped. 

On numerous occasions, science has been wrong. From the idea of aether permeating the atmosphere to the idea of 'bad air' causing disease, science has had to be revised. Think of the Big Bang. The belief that all of this sprang into existence in a moment from nothing for no good reason. All of science is predicated on this absurd notion. Basically, science is saying give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest. Another head-scratcher is evolution. The theory of evolution posits that there are two machines at work in nature; mutation and natural selection. Yet can these two processes explain the immense and largely unnecessary transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly? Or is this transformation more poetic than evolutionary? As Marshall McLuhan suggested, perhaps rather than events being pushed from the past, instead they are pulled by an attractor in the future.

Eric Dubays has come up with '200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball'. His 200 proofs can be boiled down to 34 points:

1) Horizon flat and distance not compatible with globe
2) Horizon rises as altitude is gained
3) Rivers, Railways and the curve of the earth
4) Airplane pilots don’t adjust course for the curve
5) Scientific experiments prove flat earth
6) Stars prove flat earth
7) Can’t detect movement of earth
8) Magic Gravity
9) NASA Faking Space proves flat earth?
10) Globe not taken into account for navigation
11) Distances in Southern Hemisphere prove flat earth
12) Non-existent Southern Hemisphere flights prove flat earth
13) Differences between North and South Hemispheres prove flat earth
15) No Midnight Sun in Antarctica proves flat earth
16) Seasonal variations would be impossible on a globe earth
17) Polestar proves flat earth
18) No South Pole on Flat Earth
19) Circumnavigation on a flat earth
20) On globe clocks would have to flip every six months
21) People upside down on other side of globe…
22) Planets are fake
23) Earth and sun are same size and close on a flat earth
24) We believe the earth is a globe because government tells us
25) Sun and moon reflection on water prove flat earth
26) The Moon according to flat earth
27) Eclipses and flat earth
28) Earth is flat proves flat earth?
29) Observed curvature caused by fisheye wide-angle lenses
30) Satellites don’t exist
31) East – west flight times would be different on a spinning globe
32) Religious books and ancient cultures accept flat earth
33) Globe earth is Freemason conspiracy
34) The earth doesn’t appear to be a globe 

Much of this evidence is based on common sense. When you look out on the horizon, what do you see? Do you see any curvature? You're probably thinking, no, because people can't see that far. Well, in 2015 Joshua Novicki took a picture of the Chicago skyline from almost 60 miles away. The problem is, because of the curvature of the earth, even when extremely clear, this should not be visible. Status-quo apologists labeled it a super-mirage.

Some will say that ships disappearing over the horizon is proof that the world is round; however, with a powerful zoom lens this is not the case. Using the theorem of Pythagoras a2 = 39632 + 12 = 15705370 and thus a = 3963.000126 miles. Thus your position is 3963.000126 - 3963 = 0.000126 miles above the surface of the earth. 0.000126 miles = 12*5280*0.000126 = 7.98 inches. Hence the earth's surface curves approximately 8 inches in one mile. This ship should not be visible.

Another clue to the earth being flat we get from flight paths. On a globe earth, a flight from Johannesburg, South Africa to Perth, Australia should be a straight shot over the Indian Ocean with convenient re-fueling possibilities on Mauritius or Madagascar. In actual practice, most Johannesburg to Perth flights curiously stopover either in Dubai, Hong Kong, Malaysia all of which make no sense on a ball, but are completely understandable when mapped on a flat earth. Similar situations occur with flight from South America to Australia and South America to Africa.

Equally as odd, in direct sunlight a thermometer will read higher than another thermometer placed in the shade, but in full, direct moonlight a thermometer will read lower than another placed in the shade. Proving the moon provides its own light. While this experiment may require a bunch of materials, here's a simple experiment you can try right now; try jumping up in the air. Now where did you land? Same spot? Why didn't you land in another place if the earth is actually traveling 1,000 miles per hour?

These so-called 'scientists' are also unsure of their own fake model. First, they said the earth was a sphere. Then they claimed it was an ellipsoid/oblate spheroid, bulging in the middle, roughly 30 km wider around the Equator than going from pole to pole. This is partially due to the pull of the moon on the Earth and the rotation of the Earth. Finally, the programmers of science settled on an egg-shaped/pear-shaped/ovoid for the earth. What's next? A banana-shaped model of our world?

But there's the big question; why? Why would the powers-that-be perpetrate such an elaborate hoax? What do they have to gain? Did you know that NASA gets $52 million a day? If you were getting that type of money what wouldn't you fake? Why does the American flag appear to wave when there is no wind on the moon? Why are there multiple sources of light?  Why did the United Nations make Antartica off limits in 1959 just as technology would have made it possible to cross? Isn't it rather peculiar that Pythagoras, Copernicus, Newton, Arthur C. Clark, and John Glenn were all Freemasons? What else are they hiding?

Flat Earth is truth. Do not be fooled by false prophets such as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

One of Flat Earth's main opponents is Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who himself has said that there is a 50/50 chance that we are living in a simulation.

So what does the real earth look like? The real earth is a flat stationary disc covered by a dome. Our reality is a controlled illusion, much like the Truman Show...

What would it mean if the world was flat and the center of the universe? It would mean we matter, that we are not a mistake or a fluke. And we can finally stop pretending that we hurtling through space, on an insignificant rock, around just another sun, one of billions, in an uncaring universe. In actuality, we are important, for who else except an imaginative species like us could have come up with this fish tale.

Flat earth must be true. I've invested a lot in this thing. All my friends are flat earthers... I mean...It's... It's either that, or the world is being carried on the backs of four elephants who themselves stand on the back of a giant turtle ;) Such a story was believed thousands of years ago by multiple cultures in different parts of the world that had no direct contact with each other.

We better figure it out folks or we could all go the way of the dinosaurs...

J.B.S. Haldane really said: "I have no doubt that in reality the future will be vastly more surprising than anything I can imagine. Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not onlyqueerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose."

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Freak Power in Milwaukee

    "Huh. Get this. According to Wikipedia, Milwaukee has a population of half a million people," I said to John Cantu.
    He gave a glance and slickly retorted, "then where is everybody?"
    We surveyed the bleak concrete landscape devoid of human life and came to the conclusion that perhaps we were in the midst of the Rapture. Maybe laying witness to the tail end of some grand earthly exodus. Seeking refuge in a tavern, we ordered brats and swilled beer worthy of a master craftsman, and tried to ascertain the reasoning behind this apparent ghost town, doubling as the 5th largest city in the Midwest.

Hanging with a Clint Eastwood sound-alike
   Ska legend The Specials might as well have been talking about Milwaukee in their song Ghost Town:

"This town is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place is coming like a ghost town
Bands won't play no more
Too much fighting on the dance floor

Do you remember the good old days before the ghost town?"

   Despite the rug having been pulled out from underneath Midwest manufacturing, the beer industry proudly marches on. And as good Americans we were apt to support Milwaukee brew. To get creamed in Cream City. Our plan was bold, a plan to bar hop all over the northside neighborhood of Bay View, but we didn't make it far past a '$1 beer' sign. Inside the dive bar we met a whole host of colorful characters.  
No way it was a lone gunman. Weldon's a lousy shot.

   Before we left on the trip we printed pictures of Gavin McGroggan and John Weldon so they could be with us in spirit. On the drive, Cantu recounted the story of the time Weldon pulled up to Cantu's art gallery unannounced carrying a baguette. As Weldon waddled over to say hello Cantu snapped into action, relieved Weldon of his big loaf of bread,  and chased him around the car, beating him with it. Classic Ego Art Gallery Hijinks.

   After the bar we wobbled up the street and sputtered out orders for cheese fries. Next thing we knew we were in a taxi, ostensibly heading to our hotel while our cabbie was attempting to give us an impromptu tour of the whole city.  In the morning we found the car and began our journey back to Chicago.                                                

God Bless.
   The trip was a sort of farewell tour for Cantu before he made the big jump to Tokyo, where he is now. I miss my friend and have been threatening to visit him in Japan for some time now. Of course life and the prospect of decent teaching work has hindered this intended bounce, yet I hope that in some parallel universe I'm there, in Tokyo, laughing with my friend Cantu, taking the piss out of Weldon, and raising a cheer with fine Japanese beer. Steady on, Cantu. Steady on, lad.


Saturday, March 30, 2019

Some Quality Scenes

Here is a list of scenes from movies in which the actor(s) deliver a powerful performance. If this is one of my Theater Class students reading this, please chose one of the following scenes to perform with a partner for the final. You can choose another scene but it needs to be a challenging scene and I 'll need to okay it first. Remember, as Hemingway said, good is the enemy of great.

1. No Country For Old Men

Chigurh stands at the counter across from the elderly proprietor. 
He holds up a bag of cashews.

                          CHIGURH           How much?

                          PROPRIETOR           Sixty-nine cent.

                          CHIGURH           This. And the gas.

                          PROPRIETOR           Y'all getting any rain up your way?

                          CHIGURH           What way would that be?

                          PROPRIETOR           I seen you was from Dallas.
Chigurh tears open the bag of cashews and pours a few into his hand.

                          CHIGURH           What business is it of yours where
           I'm from, friendo?                         

                          PROPRIETOR           I didn't mean nothin' by it.

                          CHIGURH           Didn't mean nothin'.

                          PROPRIETOR           I was just passin' the time.

                          CHIGURH           I guess that passes for manners in
           your cracker view of things.
A beat.

                          PROPRIETOR           Well sir I apologize. If you don't
           wanna accept that I don't know what
           else I can do for you.
Chigurh stands chewing cashews, staring while the old man works the register and puts change on the counter.

                          PROPRIETOR           ...Will there be somethin' else?

                          CHIGURH           I don't know. Will there?
The proprietor turns and coughs. Chigurh stares.

                          PROPRIETOR           Is somethin' wrong?

                          CHIGURH           With what?

                          PROPRIETOR           With anything?

                          CHIGURH           Is that what you're asking me? Is
           there something wrong with anything?
The proprietor looks at him, uncomfortable, looks away.

                          PROPRIETOR           Will there be anything else?

                          CHIGURH           You already asked me that.                         

                          PROPRIETOR           Well... I need to see about closin'.

                          CHIGURH           See about closing.

                          PROPRIETOR           Yessir.

                          CHIGURH           What time do you close?

                          PROPRIETOR           Now. We close now.

                          CHIGURH           Now is not a time. What time do you

                          PROPRIETOR           Generally around dark. At dark.
Chigurh stares, slowly chewing.

                          CHIGURH           You don't know what you're talking
           about, do you?

                          PROPRIETOR           Sir?

                          CHIGURH           I said you don't know what you're
           talking about.
Chigurh chews.

                          CHIGURH           ...What time do you go to bed.

                          PROPRIETOR           Sir?

                          CHIGURH           You're a bit deaf, aren't you? I
           said what time do you go to bed.

                          PROPRIETOR           Well...
A pause.

                          PROPRIETOR           ...I'd say around nine-thirty.
           Somewhere around nine-thirty.

                          CHIGURH           I could come back then.

                          PROPRIETOR           Why would you be comin' back? We'll
           be closed.

                          CHIGURH           You said that.
He continues to stare, chewing.

                          PROPRIETOR           Well... I need to close now --

                          CHIGURH           You live in that house behind the

                          PROPRIETOR           Yes I do.

                          CHIGURH           You've lived here all your life?
A beat.

                          PROPRIETOR           This was my wife's father's place.

                          CHIGURH           You married into it.

                          PROPRIETOR           We lived in Temple Texas for many
           years. Raised a family there. In
           Temple. We come out here about four
           years ago.

                          CHIGURH           You married into it.

                          PROPRIETOR           ...If that's the way you wanna put

                          CHIGURH           I don't have some way to put it.
           That's the way it is.
He finishes the cashews and wads the packet and sets it on the counter where it begins to slowly unkink. The proprietor's eyes have tracked the packet. Chigurh's eyes stay on the proprietor.

                          CHIGURH           ...What's the most you've ever lost
           on a coin toss?

                          PROPRIETOR           Sir?

                          CHIGURH           The most. You ever lost. On a coin

                          PROPRIETOR           I don't know. I couldn't say.
Chigurh is digging in his pocket. A quarter: he tosses it. He slaps it onto his forearm but keeps it covered.

                          CHIGURH           Call it.

                          PROPRIETOR           Call it?

                          CHIGURH           Yes.

                          PROPRIETOR           For what?

                          CHIGURH           Just call it.

                          PROPRIETOR           Well -- we need to know what it is
           we're callin' for here.

                          CHIGURH           You need to call it. I can't call it
           for you. It wouldn't be fair. It
           wouldn't even be right.

                          PROPRIETOR           I didn't put nothin' up.

                          CHIGURH           Yes you did. You been putting it up
           your whole life. You just didn't
           know it. You know what date is on
           this coin?

                          PROPRIETOR           No.

                          CHIGURH           Nineteen fifty-eight. It's been
           traveling twenty-two years to get
           here. And now it's here. And it's
           either heads or tails, and you have
           to say. Call it.
A long beat.

                          PROPRIETOR           Look... I got to know what I stand
           to win.

                          CHIGURH           Everything.

                          PROPRIETOR           How's that?

                          CHIGURH           You stand to win everything. Call

                          PROPRIETOR           All right. Heads then.
Chigurh takes his hand away from the coin and turns his arm to look at it.

                          CHIGURH           Well done.
He hands it across.

                          CHIGURH           ...Don't put it in your pocket.

                          PROPRIETOR           Sir?

                          CHIGURH           Don't put it in your pocket. It's
           your lucky quarter.

                          PROPRIETOR           ...Where you want me to put it?

                          CHIGURH           Anywhere not in your pocket. Or it'll
           get mixed in with the others and
           become just a coin. Which it is.
He turns and goes. The proprietor watches him.
2. Casablanca

Casablanca cafe owner Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) sacrificed himself with a "We'll always have Paris" and "No good at being Noble" airport farewell speech to ex-lover Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman):
Rick: Because you're getting on that plane.
Ilsa: "I don't understand. What about you?" 
Rick: I'm staying here with him [Renault] 'til the plane gets safely away. 
Ilsa: "No, Richard. No. What has happened to you? Last night..." 
Rick: Last night, we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing. You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong. 
Ilsa: "But Richard, no, I've..." 
Rick: Now, you've got to listen to me. Do you have any idea what you've have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louis? 
Renault: "I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist."
Ilsa: "You're saying this only to make me go." 
Rick: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life. 
Ilsa: "What about us?" 
Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have - we'd - we'd lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night. 
Ilsa: "When I said I would never leave you.." 
Rick: And you never will. I've got a job to do too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Now, now. Here's looking at you, kid.

  3.  The Social Network 


          MARK ZUCKERBERG is a sweet looking 19 year old whose lack of
          any physically intimidating attributes masks a very
          complicated and dangerous anger. He has trouble making eye
          contact- and sometimes it's hard to tell if he's talking to you
          or to himself.

          ERICA, also 19, is Mark's date. She has a girl-next-door face
          that makes her easy to fall for. At this point in the
          conversation she already knows that she'd rather not be there
          and her politeness is about to be tested.

          The scene is stark and simple.

          How do you distinguish yourself in a
          population of people who all got 1600 on
          their SAT's?

          I didn't know they take SAT's in China.

          I wasn't talking about China anymore, I
          was talking about here.

          You got 1600?

          You can sing in an a Capella group.

          Does that mean that you actually got
          nothing wrong?

          Or you row crew or you invent a 25 dollar

          Or you get into a final club.

          Or you get into a final club, exactly.

          I like guys who row crew.


          Well I can't do that. And yes, it means I
          got nothing wrong on the test.

          Have you ever tried?

          I'm trying now.

          To row crew?

          To get into a final club. To row crew?
          No. Are you, like--whatever--crazy?

          Sometimes, Mark-seriously-YOU say two
          things at once and I'm not sure which one
          we're talking about.

          But you've seen guys who row crew, right?


          Okay, well.. they're bigger than me.
          They're world class athletes. And a
          second ago you said you like guys who row
          crew so I assumed you'd met one.

          I guess I meant I liked the idea of it.
          The way a girl likes cowboys.

          The Phoenix is good.

          This is a new topic?

          It's the same topic.

          We're still talking about the finals

          Would you rather talk about something

          It's just that since the beginning of
          the conversation about finals clubs I
          think I may have had a birthday.


4. Jurassic Park


 HAMMOND, GRANT, ELLIE, MALCOLM, and GANNARO eat lunch at a long 
 table in the visitor's center restaurant.

 There is a large buffet table and two WAITERS to serve them.

 The room is darkened and Hammond is showing slides of various 
 scenes all around them.  Hammond's own recorded voice describes current 
 and future features of the park while the slides flash artists' 
 renderings of all them.

 The real Hammond turns and speaks over the narration.

 None of these attractions have been finished yet.  The 
 park will open with the basic tour you're about to take, 
 and then other rides will come on line after six or 
 twelve months.  Absolutely spectacular designs.  Spared 
 no expense.

 More slides CLICK past, a series of graphs dealing with profits, 
 attendance and other fiscal projections.  Donald Gennaro, who has 
 become increasingly friendly with Hammond, even giddy, grins from ear 
 to ear.

  And we can charge anything we want!  Two thousand a day, 
  ten thousand a day - - people will pay it!  And then
  there's the merchandising - -

  Donald, this park was not built to carter only to the 
  super rich.  Everyone in the world's got a right to 
  enjoy these animals.

  Sure, they will, they will.
  We'll have a - - coupon day or something.

 Grant looks down, at the plate he's eating from.  It's in the 
 shape of the island itself.  He looks at his drinking cup. It's got a 
 T-rex on it, and a splashy Jurassic Park logo.

 There are a stack of folded amusement park-style maps on the 
 table in front of Grant.  He picks one up.  Boldly, across the top it 
 says, "Fly United to Jurassic Park!"

   (on tape)
  - - from combined revenue streams for all three parks 
  should reach eight to nine billion dollars a year - - 

   (to Gennaro)
  That's conservative, of course.  There's no reason to 
  speculate wildly.

  I've never been a rich man.  I hear it's nice.  Is it

 Ian Malcolm, who was been watching the screens with outright 
 contempt, SNORTS, as if he's finally had enough.

  The lack of humility before nature that's been displayed
  here staggers me.

 They all turn and look at him.

  Thank you, Dr. Malcolm, but I think things are a little
  different than you and I feared.

  Yes, I know.  They're a lot worse.

  Now, wait a second, we haven't even see the park yet.  
  Let's just hold out concerns until - -
   (or alt. version)
  Wait - we were invited to this island to evaluate the
  safety conditions of the park, physical containment.  
  The theories that all simple systems have complex 
  behavior, that animals in a zoo environment will 
  eventually begin to behave in an unpredictable fashion 
  have nothing to do with that evaluation.  This is not 
  some existential furlough, this is an on-site 
  inspection.  You are a doctor.  Do your job.  You are 
  invalidating your own assessment.  I'm sorry, John - -

  Alright Donald, alright, but just let him talk.  I want 
  to hear all viewpoints.  I truly do.
  I truly am.

  Don't you see the danger, John, inherent in what you're 
  doing here?  Genetic power is the most awesome force 
  ever seen on this planet.  But you wield it like a kid 
  who's found his dad's gun.

  If I may.... It is hardly appropriate 
  to start hurling
  Excuse me, excuse me - - generalizations before - -
  I'll tell you.

    MALCOLM (cont'd)
  The problem with scientific power you've used is it 
  didn't require any discipline to attain it.  You read 
  what others had done and you took the next step.  You 
  didn't earn the knowledge yourselves, so you don't take 
  the responsibility for it.  You stood on the shoulders 
  of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you 
  could, and before you knew what you had, you patented 
  it, packages it, slapped in on a plastic lunch box, and 
  now you want to sell it.

  You don't give us our due credit.  Our scientists have 
  done things no one could ever do before.

  Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not 
  they could that they didn't stop to think if they 
  should.  Science can create pesticides, but it can't 
  tell us not to use them.  Science can make a nuclear 
  reactor, but it can't tell us not to build it!

  But this is nature!  Why not give an extinct species a 
  second chance?!  I mean, Condors. Condors are on the 
  verge of extinction - - if I'd created a flock of them 
  on the island, you wouldn't be saying any of this!
  have anything to say at all!

  Hold on - - this is no species that was obliterated by 
  deforestation or the building of a dam.  Dinosaurs had 
  their shot.  Nature selected them for extinction.

  I don't understand this Luddite attitude, especially 
  from a scientist.  How could we stand in the light of 
  discovery and not act?

  There's nothing that great about discovery.
  What's so great about discovery?  It's a violent, 
  penetrative act that scars what it explores.  What you 
  call discovery I call the rape of the natural world!

  Please - - let's hear something from the others.  Dr.
  Grant?  I am sorry - - Dr. Sattler?

  The question is - - how much can you know about an 
  extinct ecosystem, and therefore, how could you assume 
  you can control it?  You have plants right here in this 
  building, for example, that are poisonous.  You picked 
  them because they look pretty, but these are aggressive 
  living things that have no idea what century they're 
  living in and will defend themselves.  Violently, if 

 Exasperated, Hammond turns to Grant, who looks shell-shocked.

  Dr. Grant, if there's one person who can appreciate all 
  of this - -
  What am I trying to do?

 But Grant speaks quietly, really thrown by all of this.

  I feel - - elated and - - frightened and - -
   (starts over)
  The world has just changed so radically.  We're all 
  running to catch up.  I don't want to jump to any 
  conclusions, but look - -

 He leans forward, a look of true concern on his face.

    GRANT (cont'd)
  Dinosaurs and man - - two species separated by 65 
  million years of evolution - - have just been suddenly 
  thrown back into the mix together.  How can we have the 
  faintest idea of what to expect?

  I don't believe it.  I expected you to come down here 
  and defend me from these characters and the only one 
  I've got on my side it the bloodsucking lawyer!?

  Thank you.

 One of the WAITERS whispers to Hammond.

  Ah - - they're here.


5. My Dinner with Andre

Wally: Well, why...why do you think that is? I mean, why is that, I mean, is it just because people are...are lazy today, or they're bored? I mean, are we just like bored, spoiled children who've just been lying in the bathtub all day just playing with their plastic duck, and now they're just thinking, "Well, what can I do?"

Andre: Okay. Yes. We're bored. We're all bored now. But has it every occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money? And that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks. And it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep? And somebody who's asleep will not say "no"?

Andre: See, I keep meeting these people, I mean, uh, just a few days ago I met this man whom I greatly admire, he's a Swedish physicist, Gustav Björnstrand, and he told me that he no longer watches television, he doesn't read newspapers, and he doesn't read magazines. He's completely cut them out of his life because he really does feel that we're living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare now, and that everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot.

Andre: And when I was at Findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert who had devoted his life to saving trees. Just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the redwoods, he's 84 years old, and he always travels with a backpack cause he never knows where he's gonna be tomorrow. And when I met him at Findhorn, he said to me, "Where are you from?" and I said, "New York." He said, "Ah, New York. Yes, that's a very interesting place. Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave, but never do?" And I said, "Oh, yes." And he said, "Why do you think they don't leave?" I gave him different banal theories. He said, "Oh, I don't think it's that way at all."

Andre: He said, "I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they've built. They've built their own prison. And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result, they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they've made or to even see it as a prison." And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree and he said, "This is a pine tree." He put it in my hand and he said, "Escape before it's too late."

Andre: See, actually, for two or three years now, Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out. That we really should feel like Jews in Germany in the late thirties. Get out of here. Of course, the problem is where to go, cause it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction. See, I think it's quite possible that the 1960s represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished and that this is the beginning of the rest of the future now, and that, from now on there'll simply be all these robots walking around, feeling nothing, thinking nothing. And there'll be nobody left almost to remind them that there once was a species called a human being, with feelings and thoughts, and that history and memory are right now being erased, and soon nobody will really remember that life existed on the planet.
6.  The Big Lebowski

7. The Master

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