Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Redondo Beach: Town Without Pity

Something is rotten in the state of Redondo politics. The New Future Super Pier Mall Lifestyle Center Living Machine is, evidently, too big to fail. 

Here's what Community Activist Jim Light had to say about the details of the nefarious deal;

Decades of free rent!
  1. Yes, you read it right.  First CenterCal would be free of rent until it gets a certificate of occupancy from the City.  That means they don’t have to pay a dime until they are done building the first phase of their mall.  That means taxpayers are footing all the costs of operating the 15 acres.
  2. From that point until year 20, yep 20 years AFTER the mall is built…  The city doesn’t get one dime until CenterCal makes 10% profit.  They get off scott free for 20 years until they get over 10% profit.  And then they pay 25% of any profit over 10% in rent for 15 acres.  So if CenterCal shows they made 10% profit + $1, they only have to pay $0.25, one piddly quarter, for 12 months rent on 15 waterfront acres. Are you kidding me?
  3. From year 20 on, CenterCal gets a credit for further investment.  So if they invest to improve their business, they get a discount on any rent they may have to pay for the 15 acres of waterfront property.
  4. 31 Years after CenterCal starts running its mall, finally residents and taxpayers are guaranteed at least $1Million in rent.  Excuse me for being underwhelmed..$1M for 15 waterfront acres is a miniscule $5,555 per acre per month.   31 years after the mall opens, the city would get less revenue than the current pier parking lot. Woo-hoo.  Great negotiating.
  5. Finally 55 years (two generations from now) after the mall starts (and ready to be replaced) the city might reduce the rent to 20% of the profit over 10%.
Does anyone really believe CenterCal won’t hide the profit in creative bookkeeping?  Our City was too dumb to set aside harbor funds to replace aging infrastructure for 50 years, do we really think they will be smart enough to evaluate CenterCal’s profitability?
So in summary, if the Council is dumb enough to approve the MOU, the City of Redondo would be:
  • committed to over $25M in investment to support the new mall
  • at risk to get ZERO rent for 15 acres of prime waterfront real estate for 31 yearsafter the Mall-By-The-Sea opens its doors
  •  finally guaranteed a measly $1M in rent per year for 15 waterfront acres after 31 years of mall operation.

What's worst; the International Boardwalk, home of Naja's, Gambrinus, Kegs, Quality Sea Food and the Fun Factory are to be bulldozed to make way for a road. A ROAD!!! Then again these shrewd City Manager rubber stamping developer backed City Council hacks (Bill Brand excluded) might just be practicing the old door in the face technique. A second option will surface which will seem reasonable in comparison. After all, it's pretty easy to put out the fire when you start it...

Build it and they will come
and if they don't
we'll retire on a fat pension 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Someone Buy These Clowns in City Hall a Dictionary


  1. 1.
    a stretch of salt water separated from the sea by a low sandbank or coral reef.


  1. 1.
    a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river.
    synonyms:covebaybightestuaryfjordsoundarmletsalt chuck
  2. mall
    1. 1.
      a large building or series of connected buildings containing a variety of retail 
    2. stores and typically also restaurants.
      synonyms:shopping center, (shopping) plaza,
      shopping complex, strip mallmini-mall,
      galleria, megamall, marketplace
    3. 2.
      a sheltered walk or promenade.

Photo: The incredible shrinking Seaside Lagoon.  The CenterCal plan shrinks the current Seaside Lagoon by about a third.  Then it puts a road and retail/restaurant over at least a third of the current public park.  

Waterfront recreation is shrinking to make room for the ever growing mall.
Oh, but that's right the new Future Super Pier is not a mall, 
it's a lifestyle center. 

And to think; some think-tank hacks actually got paid to think of this

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Quote of the Day

"The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed." 

- Adolf Hitler

Bonnie and Clyde

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Revenge of Flippant!

That's the name of the Second season; soon to be produced for Torrance Cable Access Television.

Note that for some reason Episodes 1, 6, and 7 repeat.

Here's Season 1...


Flippant Episode 1: This Week In Yelling With TJ McLoud

Flippant Episode 2: The Idiot, the Butcher, and the Cynic

Flippant Episode 3: When Terrorists Attack!

Flippant Episode 4: Footage 17599.6A

Flippant Episode 5: Footage 17599.6B

Flippant Episode 6: The Road To Doomsville

Flippant Episode 7: Death of the Beast

Flippant Episode 8: Finding Quain

Flippant Episode 9: The Hollywood Types


Flippant Episode 10: The Pre Prequel

Flippant Episode 11: The People Vs. The Fourth of July

Flippant Episode 12: The Grand Twat Off

Flippant Episode 13: LimboTown

Flippant Episode 14: Cut and Paste

FLiPPANT: Action News 8
(technically for Chicago Public Access)

Bon Apetit.
- The Executive Committee