Friday, November 8, 2013

The Rise and Fall of Measure B

Well the noise Nazis lost a battle in Tuesday's election; but don't think these hyper sensitive premature babies won't redouble their efforts to turn Hermosa Beach into some kind of perverse summer camp. If Measure B had passed the bars along Pier Avenue would have had to close their doors earlier; setting a new precedent in California. Welcome to the Sunshine State; no talking above a whisper, lights out at 10:30.

Time and time again these Mickey Mouse Club brats amble their way into the South Bay, move next door to an establishment like the Lighthouse (a nightclub that used to be frequented by Jazz greats like Light Dizzy Gillespie), complain about the noise and somehow succeed in reducing a proprietor's hours. How did they not see the Nightclub when they moved in? Either these stunted transplants have been brain baked by the unceasing Southern California sun or they've finally succumbed to the urge and have guzzled ocean water wholesale.

And more to the point doesn't this whole issue come down to their noise versus our noise. Everyone needs noise; we are enveloped by it constantly. There is no escape. These human cuttlefish just want it to be their noise; White noise. 

Perhaps the people who brought you Measure B (are you listening Lissner?) should try moving next door to Guantanamo Bay. Then maybe we'll finally be able to shut that bastard down. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Now This Takes the Cake

This is a clip from a video we shot back in 2003, on the 4th of July, at Hermosa's Pier Avenue. The incident was the source of nearly a decade of litigation and has been featured in truTV's 'the Smoking Gun'. Anywho; someone, don't know who, posted it on and it got over 70,000 views and 1,300 comments in less than 48 hours. Enjoy. Oh yeah, and it looks like I'll be moving back to L.A. to take a job... put the National Guard on high alert.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Eric James Coleman

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Logan Square Thespian Society Strikes Again!

You might wonder what we're working on now...

Aside from the Mayoral Campaign Documentary, due out in late Summer, we are also performing a play about the Haymarket Riot, the subsequent trial, and the hanging of four Chicago Anarchists November 11th 2013 to mark the anniversary.

Here are the speeches delivered by Albert Parsons and August Spies May 4th 1886 before the bomb was thrown into the ranks of 176 police officers who tried to break up the peaceable assembled crowd against Mayor Carter Harrison's orders...

And here are some dastardly plots, as mentioned in the Mayoral Campaign, which the Logan Square Thespian Society had a role in...


the Dress Rehearsal


Ron Paul: The Musical


The Best Travel Show Ever Show

Something from Vancouver Film School

Stay Tuned.......

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Leaked Campaign Videos:

The Double Reverse Protest...

Pat Aust: Vision is Not Visible...

Pat Aust: the Voice of Reason...

Stay Tuned - Coleman Runs For Mayor: the Documentary Coming This Summer!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I demand a recount!

I love you buddy, but it had to be done...

Steve Aspel; endorsable this man.
He's a good guy with a great sense of humor.

(why this funny, is because, when we were like, 15, we, me and some friends, marginally tpeed his 'ouse.)

We had a Good Run Redondo.

       Hey Redondo, 

I'm Sorry things didn't work out. I'll get over the whole "it's not you it's me" thing... in time...
Time heals all wounds.
You'll find someone else (if you haven't already), and some day, I'll move on.
We can still be friends,

We can still totally hang out n' stuff...

I wish you the best... We had a good run. No regrets.

I hope the new somebody in your life is good to you.


In the wood block of my memory, I'll always remember you a chip.

- Eric

P.S. As Iv'e learned walking door to door, time also wounds all heels.

Coleman's Last Press Conference

We've had a lot of fun. And I think I've given as good as I've taken. So, gentlemen, you'll write about it, you'll interpret it; that's your right. But just think how much you're gonna be missing; you won't have Coleman to kick around any more.

Eric J. Coleman 03/06/2013